Why did we start this adventure 6 months ago? Woodthink. Reasons

When we started to design this project, there were thousands of ideas that came to us, every time we talked to someone about it, new ideas came, some improved, some evaporated, and some stood firm. That’s the beauty of sharing ideas, which are born, grow and evolve, reproduce, some die without getting started and others take on such strength that they end up creating a project like the one we have in our hands.

We come from an industrial world, even if it is the forestry sector, and we cannot forget that, but we are people, and as people, we wanted to start a project aimed at everyone. Many times we received requests from individuals to start their small individual projects, and we want this to be a tribute to all of you, thanks to you we have opened Woodthink. and we want you to be part of our community, the one that without realizing it, you started to plant in our heads…

We hope to meet your expectations, and we hope you will help us to spread our love for wood, nature, art, and creativity.
Welcome to this your community.

Woodthink. thanks to badder-manaouch-246249-unsplash

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